4 Key Reasons for an Interim Inspection
It is important for a landlord to carry out regular inspections throughout a tenancy. This will help ensure that the tenants are complying with the tenancy agreement and your property remains in good working order.
To help ensure your property is being looked after by your tenants, you need to evaluate the overall condition pf the property. The interior as well as exterior parts of the property need to be inspected at regular intervals for the course of a tenant’s stay.
Interim inspections are usually carried out at regular quarterly intervals. However, if a series of positive inspections with the same tenants take place, these inspections are often reduced in frequency to twice per year. Having an accurate property inventory at the start of the tenancy is a great way to identify any potential problem areas.
It is important that you inspect your property regularly, although it is just as important to not make too many inspections. Inspections occurring too often, could be seen as harassment. Unless there are genuine repairs and maintenance issues to address, try to keep these inspections to a minimum. Maintaining a healthy relationship with your tenant is key to communication and will help stop any potential problems developing.
Repairs and Maintenance
The main objective of any interim inspection is spot any maintenance issues. Additionally, it is a great opportunity to repair any minor problems, before they become major issues. These potential problems will always be easier to repair in the early stages. Leaving them could result in them turning into possible health hazards.
Tenant’s Living Conditions
Tenants are entitled to live in an untidy manner if they wish. Although, if they are unclean, you are allowed to inform them this will resort to damage to the property. For example, tenants are permitted to leave clothes hanging around. Although, not cleaning the bathroom will result in the staining of tiles etc.
Illegal Activities
Without being too intrusive, it is important to be wary of any potential illegal activity at your property. Tenants who are using your property for illegal means will ensure the rent is always paid on time to not arouse suspicions.
Relationship Building
Regular positive contact is vital to allow for free flow of communication between tenant and landlord. If your tenant is always happy to speak with you, they will go out their way to identify any potential problems to the property. This could help any issues getting worse and spiralling out of control.
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